Try to think about what is immortal and what is mortal.
God and God’s love and his grace is permanent, it is the standard. God’s love is permanent. You must get that. In your life, whatever you think, this is mine – that is not yours. Whatever you are not seeing – that is yours. You’re not seeing God’s energy – that is yours. Whatever you are not finding in the nature – that is covering you and it is playing with you – find me, find me – it is making the game with you. Do you understand?
God is everywhere and he is saying, “find me”. If you find “I am in you, you are a God. There’s no difference between you and me,” he finally says. When you recognize yourself like that, you are a Parabramha Swarupa. You know what a Parabramha Swarupa means? Everywhere you can see the love, everywhere – love, love, love. Everywhere is God. That is God’s creation. He created plants, birds, animals, insects, earth, sky, water, fire, air. Whatever the human … whatever the needs of the human beings are, he created everything.
Try to enjoy. He gave all gifts to us.
I’m always in you. You are always in me.
Happy Easter!
Apr 05, 2015 / Comments: 0 / NEWS & ARTICLES
Apr 05, 2015