On this day only, Shiva wakes up from his meditation and wants to merge with whomever really opens their hearts to him. He wants to merge with his students to lift them and connect to them more powerfully. Once he wakes up then we tell our prayers, our wishes. This is the time you really can hit it to receive what you want it.
On Maha Shivaratri, Shiva wakes up from His Meditation. Shiva – the cosmic dancer and destroyer of all negativity. Shiva – Bhola Shankara, who fulfills our highest desires. Shiva – who embodies silence and pure consciousness. On Him we meditate during this auspicious night and open our hearts for what He wants to give to us!
More about Shivaratri and Shiva HERE
Everyone is heartfully invited to meditate together during the night of Tuesday, February 17th.
During the night of Tuesday, February 17th, let us meditate together to connect with Shiva.
- 11 pm - 1 am
Meditation with the Sky Mantra
or ‘Om Nama Shivaya’
Download Sky Mantra Audio here
- Sky Mantra
Night of Tuesday, Feb 17th, 2015
from 11 pm - 1 am
- Take a shower or a bath before the meditation process and wear fresh clothes, if possible light in color.
- Light a candle and incense (on your altar if you have one) and offer a rose or a flower to Shiva and your master.
- Start with the opening prayers.
- Now begin our Shivaratri Night Meditation with the Sky Mantra. With all of your heart, turn towards Shiva and your master. Think of your wishes, blocks, problems - whatever it is - and ask for healing and blessing.
- During your meditation, have a coconut with you. As soon as you feel the energy is strong, hold the coconut to your third eye and send your deepest desire into it.
- At the end of your meditation break the coconut and place it on your altar for the night. Afterwards you can give it to the nature or burn it in a fire. If you don’t have a coconut you can also light a candle in front of Shiva or your master.
- Close the meditation with the closing prayers. Enjoy the silence of the night and take it with you into sleep.
Diksha Points for the Shivaratri Time:
- Maha Shivaratri is the time of the highest blessings and of silence. It is advisable to be as much as you can in inner silence and to talk as less as possible.
- Traditionally, people fast throughout the Shivaratri night or eat only a very light and pure satvic diet.
- Maintain a special diksha on new and full moon. Sri Kaleshwar suggested to not exchange any body fluids within a period of 24 hours before and after the peak of the full or new moon (Sex, saliva, food etc.).